BPMN provides an effective, efficient, and flexible way to capture, model, analyze, and design business processes, in a way that is easily understood by all interested parties. This Process Modeling Using BPMN training course is based on BPMN 2.0 and will teach you how to use BPMN effectively and correctly and arm you with techniques and tools to make sure that you are doing BPMN the right way. You will learn how to create descriptive models, analytical models, and more the right way with BPMN.
By attending Process Modeling Using BPMN workshop, delegates will learn to:
- Bridge the communication gap between business and IT
- Enable process collaboration and accountability
- Create high-level (whole-picture) models that describe an organization's end-to-end processes
- Design and optimize processes, by progressively elaborating high-level models (Descriptive level) into hierarchical and more detailed process models (Analytical level)
- Streamline process and requirements documentation by using the same notation and syntax to capture processes at all stages of the SDLC
- Enhance knowledge management (creating, sharing, training, reuse, etc.) by eliminating the need to duplicate and/or translate process definitions
- Increase productivity by enabling process engineers to elaborate Analytical models into Executable models (rather than starting from scratch each time)
- Enable scope management and prioritizations
- Facilitate adoption/customization of BPM/BPMN/BPMS tools
- Enable process simulations to validate and optimize business processes (e.g. process & cycle times, costs, resource utilization, etc.)
The Primary audience for this Process Modeling Using BPMN class are:
- Business Analysts
- Process Analysts
- Process Owners
- Process Engineers
Secondary audience:
- Business customers/end users
- Product Owners, Project Managers, End users
- Testers
- Anybody interested to understand, capture, analyze, design, and/or optimize processes