Control-M makes it easy to define, schedule, manage and monitor application workflows, ensuring visibility and reliability, and improving SLAs. Control-M Users can monitor and manage multi-application workflows from a single point of control with full access to logs and output.
In BMC Control-M - Fundamentals Operating training course, you will learn to monitor your workflows and identify potential problems. The topics covered are using ViewPoints to monitor active jobs and performing necessary job actions, monitoring alerts, and file transfers.
By attending BMC Control-M - Fundamentals Operating workshop, delegates will learn to:
- List the basic Control-M operations
- Understand the different Control-M Roles and their responsibilities in the Control-M environment
- Work with Control-M GUI interface
- Navigate through the Monitoring domain in Control-M GUI
- Work with Control-M Web interface
- Navigate through the Monitoring domain in Control-M Web
- Use Control-M Configuration Manager (CCM) to manage Control-M/EM Components and their status
- Monitor and manage job processing in the Control-M environment
- Use Properties pane to access job details
- Use Find functionality to search for jobs
- Use Neighborhood functionality to search for jobs in the neighborhood
- Use Alerts Monitor to monitor alerts
- Manage the alerts using various actions
- Use Control-M MFT Dashboard to monitor the file transfers that happen across multiple platforms
- Use Workload Policy Monitor to monitor the status of associated jobs with a Workload Policy
- Basic Knowledge of Control-M
Operators, Administrators, Consultants & Schedulers