Understanding the Objective-C programming language is critical to becoming a successful iPhone developer. This Objective-C and iOS Bootcamp training course is designed to provide developers the basic skills and knowledge to become proficient in Objective-C and take these skills and apply it towards application development for the iPhone/iPad.
The Objective C for iPhone / iPad Applications Development training course provides a nuts-and-bolts overview of Objective-C, the popular language for developing iPhone, and iPad applications, and discusses how to build a basic application using Objective-C and Xcode. This course demonstrates on how to download and install the development tools, covers every major feature of the language, and walks through the writing, compiling, and debugging stages of development. You will also learn about memory management, a vital aspect of programming in Objective-C and the Foundation framework.
- Define new classes and write programs in Objective-C
- Compile, edit, and run Objective-C programs under Mac OS X
- Archive and copy objects and to thoroughly understand the principles of memory management
- Write iPhone and iPad applications
- Use XCode to manage the application development project, and to compile, edit, and debug applications
- Run applications on a device
- Use Interface Builder to design a user interface
- Integrate iPhone interface elements like buttons, switches, and sliders into application
- Work with views and view controllers, navigation controllers, tables, and pickers
- Integrate multimedia into applications to create sound effects, and to play audio and video clips
- Respond to touch controls and gestures
- Manipulate images, perform simple animation, and save and restore application’s data
- Define new classes and write programs in Objective-C
- Compile, edit, and run Objective-C programs under Mac OS X
- Write subclasses, categories, and understand the principles of inheritance
- How dynamic typing works and the principle of polymorphism
- Use the Foundation Framework classes to work with numbers, strings, collections, and files
- Archive and copy objects and to thoroughly understand the principles of memory management
- Get started writing applications for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad
Programmers who want to write applications for Mac OS X, the iPhone, the iPod Touch, or the iPad. Some prior programming experience, preferably with an object-oriented programming language.