Quantum Computing is the field focused on developing computer technology based on quantum theory principles. Quantum computers can process massive and complicated datasets more efficiently as compared to classical computers. Quantum computers use quantum mechanics fundamentals to speed up the process of solving complex computations.
This Quantum Computing training course is designed to provide knowledge on Quantum mechanics and practical applications of Quantum computing. You will learn about classical circuits and quantum circuits. In addition, you will understand the concept of Quantum parallelism and Quantum algorithm. You will explore Simon’s algorithm as well as the Shor’s factoring algorithm.
In this course, you will gain knowledge on Hamiltonian simulation and three methods under it. They will also acquire knowledge on the basics of HHL algorithm for a linear system. Furthermore, you will get an understanding of how to improve the HHL algorithm complexity. Post completion of this training, they will be able to identify Quantum errors, concatenate codes and the threshold theorem.